You Don't Have To Hire A Professional Stager But...
"Not using a professional home stager in the current real estate market is leaving money on the table when selling your home."
Staging FAQ's
What is professional staging?
Home Staging is the preparation of a home to sell by a professional who specializes in this form of design and has been certified and trained on the art of home staging. All About Staging has the resources and can objectively view your home as a product and highlight its assets while downplaying its flaws. Home sellers often can't view their home objectively, while many successful Realtors don't have the time nor trade resources to stage your home for you.
How much does vacant home staging cost?
The 2021 Profile of Home Staging report (National Association of Realtors) prioritizes the rooms of a home that should be staged in the following order: Living Room, Master Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining Room then bathrooms. For this reason, these are the spaces we typically, at a minimum, recommend that our clients stage. Our quoted fee will be based on the number of spaces that need to be furnished, as well as the amount of furnishings and décor needed for the size of those spaces. After previewing your property to assess your staging needs, we're happy to provide you with a free, customized quote specific to your home.
The housing market is good, so why do I need to stage?
Even if your house sells quickly in a good market, it doesn’t mean it sold for the amount it would have sold for had it been professionally staged. Remember, homes that are professionally staged sell on a conservative average for10%+ more than homes in the same market that were NOT professionally staged. (see the Latest Home Staging Statistics).
Why can't I just stage my own home?
When you're selling your vacant home, not hiring a professional stager to showcase its best assets might be a penny-wise, pound-foolish choice. Home sellers don't "stage" homes everyday for a living and their emotional attachment may cloud their objectivity. A professional stager is trained to merchandise this product (home) with resources they have at their fingertips. That’s what All About Staging can do for you. You'll be poised to maximize your return.
Can't home buyers use their imagination and look past my empty rooms?
Only a mere 10% of home buyers can actually visualize the potential of a home and most of these folks are "investors" or "flippers" who will hammer you on price. This is also why having a vacant home professionally staged is so important. Buyers cannot visualize size and scale so furniture helps to give them a frame of reference.